Monday, March 29, 2010


So it’s been a long time since my last blog, and I and so busy!! I have been working on my wedding shit CRAZY!! I totally did not know that this was going to be so stressful granted the more stressed I get the more excited I’m becoming, but still good Lord allot goes into planning a wedding!! Most of you who know me know that I physical can't just do one thing at a time. So you already know I’m doing 10 million (DOCTOR EVIL VOICE) and the list is such:

          -engagement picture
          -save the dates
          -wedding gown
          -brides made dress
          -everything else
- Start my own company
-Trying to get back into school
- Lose weight
- Life style change (Food)
-Be a wife (Cooking, Cleaning (my baby helps me) Dog, Bills, LIFE)
-Be a friend (kinda sux right now Sorry to all my girls)
-Be a better artist ( I guess that’s what the shit I do is called)
-Be better at sewing
-Coach Cheerleading
- Everything else

So as you can see I’m losing my damn mind so I need help finding organizational tools so if you have any suggestions I’m all ears real talk (HELP ME). 

So on another but similar note I have a friend who is getting married (LOVE YOU GIRL) and she is my hero she got her shit TOGETHER you hear me!  She made me feel like I was slaking on my pipin you digg!! SHE has sooo much shit done and together that it makes my head hurt.... when she was showing me  her stuff it was no rush deal her shit is BEAUTIFUL and on point. So I was like what the hell am I doing with my time (thank the lord for her) I had to step my game up and in the span of 2 days I have gotten so much shit done I’m and truly satisfied with myself  (real talk I look at myself in the mirror and I’m like damn that a bad bitch). 

I then had a meeting with my planner who is totally excited cuz I’m finally getting all bridish (not diva yet but I have a feeling its coming  LORD HELP US ALL) and I’m totally stalking her now but it’s cool LOL!! My poor boo cuz I’m totally bombarding him now with assignments and shit like he is my 11 grad student in a GT class ( sexy ass student if u ask me ....if it’s wrong I don’t want to be right.... Burr (Gucci man voice)!