Friday, July 23, 2010

New With Moi!

Ok so it’s been a long time since I have Blogged! Well I have had a lot of shit going on so don’t judge me people !!

Any way good news I’m starting my own business anyone who knows me is probably saying it’s about time (well bite me ok). The crap I spend my days making is actually making me a profit (I say making me cuz I’m hope it will but the " Secret" told me to put it in the universe so I am)!

What am I selling you may ask....well don’t! Just kidding I’m making accessories and jewelry for now.  I got to start small I don’t want to do too much at the same time cuz y’all know I will go crazy and give up in the middle like I do every other time (self sabotage I know I know I keep telling y’all not to do it and I do it to my damn self " DO NOT JUDGE ME"!)

What? What was that? What is the name of the company that I’m starting... Don’t ask me stupid Questions!! CREAM SODA BOUTIQUE hellllo how much more obvious can I get. Anyway the shit I’m making if for divas that don’t give a shit what other have to say about them!!!!!!!!!! Hence why my blog is not going to be all prim and proper just know that shit!! I’m talk like I do any other time any other day.

 Soooooon I will have a YouTube channel soon and I already have a etsy account but I have not put my stuff up yet.  I’m working on it people don’t rush me! MISSED you guys!!!