Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Choose to Be Happy

   Due to a series of conversations that I have had with 4 different friends of mine going through tough times, and my own relationship this is what I have decided:

   We as women need to CHOOSE to be happy and the shit we (me included) say and do ultimately has an effect on us and how we live our day to day. How does one choose to be happy you may ask? 

1. TAKING CARE OF YOUR FUCKING SELF!!! Stop taking care of everyone else and putting your dude first! I understand you love him b/c I love mine with all my heart and soul! At the end of the day how can he love me if I don't love myself, how can he respect me if I don't respect myself, how can he be proud of me if I’m not proud of myself, how can he ever take care of me if I can’t take care of myself, and so on and so forth. We woman are the strong hold of the family and when we take care of ourselves we are taking care of our family at the same time! If we fall apart so does everything else so in essence in taking care of yourself you are ultimately taking care of everyone and everything else.

2. Love yourself b/c if you can’t and don’t love yourself how the hell are u going to love someone else, and how the hell do you expect someone else to love you!! How one views herself is how the universe will view you! The universe will return the favor you think your ugly then the rest of the world will see you as ugly! Need I say more!

3. Do things that make you happy create that’s what I do no matter how ugly or bad it is, its mine and nobody can take that away from me! My jewelry my scrapbooks my badly sown pillows nobody can figuratively touch them b/c they are all mine, I made it I imagined it, I created it, and it makes me happy. I love to create, and do crafts so that what I do. I love clothing and jewelry so that’s what I collect. When it’s all said and done I’m happy with all this stuff BECAUSE ITS MINE!

4. Feel beautiful do your make up just to watch TV in your room. Put on perfume just to smell good even if you are by yourself. Pluck your eyebrows even if you only have one hair that grew back in! Take care of yourself pamper yourself, not because your dude is come to see you, no do it when you know you’re going to be alone so you feel beautiful with yourself date yourself ladies b/c nobody will love you like you can and will love yourself!

And that all I got to say about that!

Roses are red
 Violets are blue
 If you can't love me
 I do it better