Monday, February 28, 2011

Get Left

I think it's so funny how men have this misconception that once they "have" a women that they have nothing to worry about b/c she will never leave. Even though sometimes they get a little shook they play the quick fix game and pull you back in! Well, I'm here to do u a favor and let you known whats up!

Ok here goes ... It takes a lot for a women to be done with a man that she loves. You can cheat, steal, lie, any and everything but if that switch in her brain has not gone off your right she will come back ( this is because when a women loves she loves all the way flaws and all). The thing is when that switch does switch coming back honey. It could happen when you decided to get your shit together! Actually a lot of times that switch goes off when you're acting right its just to late. Sometime our mind makes the decision before our heart does and it needs time to catch up. So men out there when you love your women and you know you hurt her A LOT get your shit together before it's to late do what you got to do or you're going to get left!

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