Sunday, April 3, 2011

Transformation Part 2

Ok well I been going thru some bullshit this last Yr! I LOST MYSELF! Don't fret tho cuz I have started to find her! How am I doing this you may ask...I'll tell u how right now...

1. I redid my entire apartment! I changed everything round and used things in different places. I only purchased one or 2 small decorative elements to add an extra kick. ( new me new apartment)

2. Changed my look! New hair cut, color, style, nails, tattoo, piercings (talk about pain damn it), make up, and working on my body! I lost 10lbs 15 more to go!

3. Shut out the bull shit! I deactivated my Facebook to keep out the negativity.

4. I have Stopped S•M•O•T•H•E•R•I•N•G myself!

5. Taking myself out of my comfort zone and " jumping out there"! I have been going to new places and meeting new people and doing things that I would never do before ( kind of a fun * devious smile*)

Like I said above I have started to find myself again! Realizing that I was lost
was the first step! I have embraced the changes in my life and I have accepted them!

I am allowing myself alllllllll the toppings on this Sundae called life. I'm very excited to see what happens. Very excited, I'm 24...the world is in my hands!

You never know when it's ur time to go and I'm going to live my life as if this moment it my very last!

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Transformation Part 1

On my new SHIT! Stay Tuned!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone