Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Feed it

Love... Love Is like a newborn it needs to constantly be fed not every 2hrs but you get the imagery. Now when love is born it's alive (obviously) and needs feeding but you got to be mindful of what you feed it! You can feed it good or bad. BAD SHIT will nurture love to become some volatile self/dual destructive entity eating you alive from the inside out slowly. GOOD SHIT will allow it to grow into something beautiful successful and smart something that everyone will admire. Unfortunately many times we feed love both, mostly bad shit leading to that good ol feeling that LOVE HURTS nawwww buddy the shit your feeding love is what hurts LOVE IS NEVER SUPPOSED TO HURT, but like all thing if you continue to feed love bullshit that fucker is going to croke! So be sure to read the back of the box check the ingredients of the shit your feeding love cuz u don't want to be the reason for a heart attack!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Words in my vocal right now

CHARLATAN- a flamboyant deceiver

MANIPULATOR- someone who control or influence skillfully, usually to ones advantage

CONNIVING- acting together in secret towards fraudulent end

MOUNTEBANK- flamboyant deceiver

PREVARICATOR- a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly

***And that's how the fuck I feel right now!***

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone