Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Smoke Break

"In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman." 
—Nancy Astor 

Dear Mirror my best friend,

   Why is it that when he fucks up (as he so eloquently puts it) the first thing he does is to find a way to blame me, but he follows it up with it's not you something is wrong with me. Actually you just pretty much told me it was me. Please don’t bandage my feelings simultaneously while you're wounding me boy! I say boy and not man, because a man would clearly have the mental capacity to accept responsibility for his faults! A Man... with that realization of said fault would take the necessary action to fix the FAULTS... 

See and in that statement is another question, did he realize his faults? Or did he stick them in the same pocket he put the condom that he labeled the just in case my home boy is in a sticky situation, just in case something happens, or the just in case it’s a habit from when I needed a just in case. Let me ask a question just in case, did he just simple say what he thought I wanted to hear...... 

He might want to take a little smoke break if he’s not keeping up, because some of us need to be in a state of higher consciousness to understand those things that I consider basic in the psychological processing of physical and emotions information and he may be one of them.

The problem see is that I was simply asking a question that I already knew the answer too! Leading me to the realization that when you love someone you will always be the one blamed for his or her short comings. Because in some strange twist of the universe and/or alignment of the planets. You will be best friends with the reflection of what he hate in himself....

I embody who he doesn't want to be, but has become I am the soul he can’t hide from. He is naked with me.... like making passionate  love with the lights off, a self-conscious love. I alone see him for who and what he really is! Still I love him for exactly that, but in his eyes that is unacceptable! So he blinds me.

Throwing lye in my face when I least suspected it. When my eyes were wide open but I was not looking at a thing. When I was busy looking at my own reflection and liked what I saw. He was busying plotting my emotional destruction.

But as his reflection I can honestly say he is fucked, because like Peter Pan when your shadow or in this instance your reflections leaves you’re not complete. Who or what is left to tell him about himself except for him and clearly I’m not the only one he is lying to! If he did not take the smoke break I suggested earlier ill clarify and simplify what it is I’m trying to say he is lying to himself and to all those around him! Tho I will always be a piece of his refection I have
 transformer into a new refection not connected and complete.

With love,
Reflection also known as Woman

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