Thursday, February 18, 2010

Introduction To That Which is Moi!

Ok Here we go!! Welcome To my blog CREAM SODA ANYONE? This blog will have one purpose and one purpose only to satisfy me in every way possible.  SORRY to all those who though they were going to come here and find something THEY want and or looking for! Its my world and i'm the squirrel and i'm damn sure going to get my NuT (honey roasted please)!

Ok seriously i'm using this blog to talk about all the things I want to talk about and get off my chest! I am a very strange individual. My brain is like a maze with secret corridors Harry Potter would have a blast in here! I will be talking about EVERYTHING I feel like talking about so strap in strap up and enjoy the ride!

O JUST TO LET YOU KNOW i don't give a rats PATOOTIE about grammar and spelling so BUG off if you don't like my writing!

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