Wednesday, February 24, 2010

*Life~~Really~~Shut Up!*

Life: The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism,reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

~ WTF does that mean!! Someone please let me know! How the hell do you define life.... its forever changing, forever moving in a direction or several directions at a time. Who are we to think that we can define it REALLY. Another thing are we living each day or slowly Fading away (just a question don't get all crazy and baker-act me people). 

Quality: Character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence:

~WTF does that mean who can jude the QUALITY of something is there like a magic rule book?

Quality of Life: WTF

~Really should I even wast 2 or 3 lines of my blog talking about this? IDK!

I will talk about those people who feel like they need to talk about people’s quality of life in other culture and countries. You think they are Savage or Primative or whatever the Freak! You insignificant unimportant piece of who knows what….I don’t want to insult one of the organisms on this earth by comparing you to them . WHO THE HELL do you think you are? You have know idea what "Quality of life" is in relation to how they live! What we here think is important is just that what WE think is important so you and ur superiority complex can go to hell O and opinions are like assholes keep it clean and to yourself!  

Judge your own life and help those in need  POINT! BLANK! PERIOD! All those who are happy in their "Shitty Life With No So Called Quality" leave them alone they are happy which is more than I can probably say (assuming and you know u should never think assume or try to be to thorough)for you!    

I decided to keep this post short or I would go on forever so yes I just stated how i feel and did not go into detail if you don't like it don't FREAKING read it!

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